Instructional Design

Instructional Design

Educational material may seem simple, but this belies the lengthy and complex decisions that were made to produce the product. Instructional design is a skill and profession. Good instructional design allows learners to easily understand and retain the content.

Educational theory is the fundamental part of the planning and high level organisation. This includes things like Piaget’s learning concepts and Maslow’s needs hierarchy.

Chunks of knowledge are delivered via a myriad of modes and methods, including simple reading to interactive activities and sophisticated games. Like all good professionals, instructional designers know which method to use in the right circumstance to maximise learning. It takes years of study and practise.

Instructional designers can take your subject matter and transform it from tedious paper or pdf documents to attractive modern elearning or online learning modules. Some instructional designers simply transfer the text to online text, which is not a step in the right direction. It’s much better for everyone when the output is interactive and engaging.

Paperbark Innovative creates elearning products with modern instructional design methodologies to ensure they are effective, enjoyable, and meet the standards you expect.

Contact us know to discuss your learning needs.